Summer Tennis

Summer Tennis

2024 Summer Tennis 

 Plan from Monday June 3 – Friday August 2nd

Private/semi-private instruction: 

Who: Any skill/age level 

When: Available by appointment, mornings preferred (check schedules tab for availability)

Where: CBAC or ONW tennis courts

Cost: $40/hour for 1 or 2 players ($20/hour per person for a 2 person lesson)

Lessons need to be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. 

CONTACT ME: to schedule a lesson!

*Payment is only required for lessons that actually take place, since this is out of our control. Cancellations made due to crazy Kansas weather may occur as little as 30 minutes before the lesson is to take place.

 $10 Group Lessons! 

Who: Incoming 9th graders and current high school-age players (boys and girls) 

When: 8:30 - 10:30 Tuesday, 9:30 – 11:30 Wednesday and Friday, beginning Tuesday May 30th 

Where: CBAC Tennis Courts (Tues & Wed during JTL season), ONW Tennis Courts (all Fridays, and 7/24 - 8/3) 

Consult schedules tab for exact days/times/locations

Cost: $10/person for each 2-hour session ($5 for one hour)

NO NEED TO SCHEDULE IN ADVANCE! Just show up to participate.

Payment Info 


Venmo (@DrewSmith10S)

PayPal (

Note: All dates and times are tentative, check the schedule on the team website for up to date information.